Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Desi Arnaz Jr is an American actor and musician who was named after his also-famous father, Desi Arnaz Sr.
The late Cuban-American actor (I Love Lucy) Desi Arnaz is the (probably) best known person who had this name. It's traditionally only a masculine name. I cannot say I heard it in my years of Spanish studies outside of Desi Arnaz, who was mentioned in Poli-sci Spanish-language classes in reference to Cuba-USA relationships.
The name Desi is the name of the main character in AwesomenessTV "Royal Crush" Portrayed by Meg or "MayBaby" on YouTube.
Desi Arnaz is famous for playing Ricky Ricardo opposite his wife Lucille Ball in the T.V. show "I Love Lucy." He was born Desiderio Alberto, III.

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