Dev Patel (1980-) is the actor who played the famous roles of Anwar Kharral (Skins), Jamal Malik (Slumdog Millionaire) and Saroo Brierley (Lion).
For English speakers (like myself): I've heard this is pronounced like the word "They've", not like the first syllable in Devon. Dev pronounced the way an English speaker would do it, would be a pretty good nickname for Devon, but it'd be a different name than this (just like there are at least two different names spelled "Mira").
It could be a nickname for Devan/Devin/Devon. My name is Devan and my family and friends sometimes call me this.
I love the name. It's simple, but beautiful.
Dev Patel is the star of the movie Slumdog Millionaire.
Dev Benegal is an Indian film director.

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