Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Part of me really loves the way that Devyn looks compared to Devon. The “y” makes it, in my opinion.
Pretty ugly for both genders, just so you know, adding a "y" does NOT make it feminine. I wouldn't recommend using this name at all, but if you do, please for a boy.
No... just... NO!
I don’t like this spelling for a male unless he’s feminine. This could suit any female though.
Definitely masculine.
I know a girl named Devyn, I have always found the name and spelling pretty.
I honestly love my name. When people, mostly guys, make fun of me I strongly ignore them. I don't care what others think about me. "Devyn" is the perfect name and it fits me! Haters gon' hate...
This is a beautiful feminine sounding name. I don't care for it for a guy.
Such a trashy spelling. I'm currently in the midst of reading this book and one of the character's names happens to be this. Yes, this spelling. At first introduction, I honestly thought it was a simple, overlooked typo. Nope! The author went with that spelling. I'm just satisfied that the character is a male though.
It's amazing how much change a single letter could make. Devin looks great whereas "Devyn" looks terrible. A good enough name with a bastardized spelling.
I spell it Devynn. Just love it for a girl's name.
I love this name. It's very futuristic and looks great on a sci-fi character.
My friend's name is Devyn Jade and it fits her very well. I would use this name if I didn't have a friend with the name. It is feminine but isn't too girly.

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