My mom's name is Ecatarina, but she goes by Catherine "Cathy" when she's in the U.S. I also normally go by William "Wil" when I'm in the U.S. to avoid confusion on the pronunciation of my name. When I was in school there I would always say when teachers were calling the roll. "You can just call me Wil." My mom personally likes Catherine more than her own name, which I can't understand why because Ecaterina and Ekaterina are both really beautiful names.
I like the look of it more than that of Ekaterina. It's a nice name but I find it to be a bit long and I'm pretty sure it will get shortened. I have heard this name much more often in the Republic of Moldova than in Romania and there it was often shortened to Katea which is pronounced like Katia and Katya.
Isn't it pretty? ^_^ I think that the 'c' makes it seem much more feminine and less harsh then the 'k' in usual Ekaterina does. Ecaterina has a rather magical tinge to it, I find. Very nice.

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