Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really like Elena. It doesn’t sound babyish, but it doesn’t sound like an old lady name. It would be my fifth pick for a girl. Maddalena is my second choice, and Elena could be a cute nickname if Maddie or Madeline didn’t fit. I would pronounce it Eh-lay-nuh, but I can see multiple ways to say it. Middle names could be Elena Rose, Elena Madeline, Elena Marie, Elena Elizabeth, Elena Ann(e), Elena Charlotte, Elena Scarlett, Elena Jade, Elena Kylie, Elena Jane and Elena Emily. Elena could be a nicknamed for Eliana, Helena, Maddalena or even Helen.
Air-leaner is how I pronounce this as it is a soft feminine airy name. Very beautiful. I am using this name to conceive a hero inspired by Marvel, known as Elena or Air-leaner, who possesses very cool abilities to manipulate wind and force people to bow down, thereby defeating her adversaries.
My significant other adored this name for our baby-girl.I wasn't too sure in the beginning because my first thoughts were how fussy children in the playground would tease her; "E-LAME-AHH".I then shut out those negative thoughts and researched more of the name's history. This helped me because my family has ties to the Mount Saint Helen disaster and I thought it was neat to take something so terrible and now focus towards something bright and positive. My daughter is now nearing four and I've truly come around to her name.It helps my significant other introduced me to the Final Fantasy series. I learned his favorite game from that IP is Final Fantasy 7 and I just realized there in the game itself is a young lady named Elena.I'm still unsure if he truly chose this name because of the fictional character or because he simply liked the name itself but it surprised me in a happy way. I'm excited to see how Square portrays her character in "Rebirth".
Beautiful name.
Very beautiful.
Nice and pretty.
Stunning! I picture Elena on a pretty Slavic woman.
Very pretty and feminine. I like it.
Sooo cute. This spelling is the best and it has the sweetest sound.
Our top two baby girl names:
Can not decide! Leaning towards Helena and calling her Elena or Lena.
I like the name and I think you can call it what you want. As long as the person is ok with it. Also, I think it just sort of hits the sweet spot. Not too babyish like Mini, but not too mature. Not too popular, not too unique.
I love Elena, it is a beautiful name that is simple and yet majestic at the same time.
Omggggggg, so pretty.
Elena is pretty, however, Eliana is absolutely stunning.
A lovely and classic name that is easy to pronounce.
Where I'm from, Colombia, Elena is very popular. Almost similar in being as common as María or Aná.
Elena has really grown on me. I don’t know if i’d use it, but it’s pretty.
It's just alright, I don't like it much because I think Helena looks more beautiful and stronger. Elena is nice, but not of my favorites, just simple, quite a boring name.
I only like it pronounced Eh-LEH-nuh. The Elaina pronunciation to me is American and cringy. I cringe whenever I hear it. But if you like the Elaina pronunciation, go for it.
Pretty but I prefer it spelled with an “A”.
It's kinda cute. I prefer Helena or Yelena.
This name is growing on me. Alaina as well.
Pretty, although I think Eliana is softer and more elegant sounding.
It's one of my favorite names ever. I wouldn't choose to be called Elena but I really do love it.
A lot of you are saying you haven't met many Elenas in your life. Well then, you should come to Italy cause here you'll meet one every damn week. However, I still think it's beautiful but perhaps it's because of one person I have met.
I also love the myth of Elena of Troy.
Beautiful name but too trendy. And plus I don't like how English speakers pronounce the name. They make the name trash and perfect for a stipper "Elayna".
I like it pronounced "Eh-lay-nuh", I think that's the prettiest pronunciation. I think it works with many surnames, and it works with a variety of personalities on a variety of girls. It's overall a very unique name, I've known 3 Elena's in my entire life.
I love this name.
I just think it's a beautiful name!
I like the meaning of it, the sound and overall, I just think it's a very pretty name that fits well in any type of context.
Love it, a beautiful and very classy name! Timeless, international, common enough, but unique and distinctive at the same time.
I pronounce this name as Eh-LEH-nah. I really like it, it's nice and not very common.
Sounds weird to me.
My grandmother's name is Elena. I think it's pretty.
I love this name. A lot. Elena in comparison to Helen or Ellen is just so much prettier, sounds a lot more modern and new to me, and has a beautiful Latin touch to it that Helen and Ellen don't bring to the table. It sounds like a sweet name to me to a beautiful young name, like Laura or Isabella, not a grandma's name like Gertrude or Angela. This is a name that will age well and I wish was more popular, though people will choose terrible names like Damian or even another Spanish name, Dolores, with painful and sad meanings. Good choice for parents who are considering this name.
I like this name a lot. I think that if I'd have children and if it wouldn't be too popular then, as it seems to rise in my area, I'd consider it as a name for my baby. I love Helena, it's my gramma's name, so I'd love to honour her this way, though I'd be afraid that she'd be called Lena, there are so many little Lenas over here right now. I liked Lena as well some time ago, but now it's just boring and insipid in my opinion. But not Elena. Elena differs with just one letter, but not being so popular in my country, it seems fresh, original, or at least more original than Lena or even than beautiful and classic Helena, it's easy to diminish and use in Poland. It reminds me of a princess, the one who's very royal, likes to be in charge, but is also a bit tomboyish. She can be very girly though if only she wants. She likes horseback riding. It works for a very lively girl in my opinion, but also fits a woman, I think in any age... Well, it's a bit hard for me to imagine Elena in her 30's-40's, but it's probably just me. I regret that I don't know any Elenas personally.
This is my name, and to be honest, I really hate it. Everyone tells me it's pretty, but all I hear when people say my name is a nag. People always tease me, calling me the gross name 'Eleanor' and I hate it :P. In high school my name is Lin because I changed it, and I'm glad I did.
My name is spelled Eleena and pronounced eh-li-na. My parents named me after the princess of one of the states in my country.
The name Elena is really beautiful, brilliant and sophisticated. ٩(͡๏̮͡๏)۶ I use the English pronunciation "eh-lay-nah". ~(^з^)- Can you magine meeting twins called Alina and Elena? ツ Aww! ᵔᴥᵔ.
So pretty! It seems like it's seen as mostly a Hispanic name in the US, but I think it would sound good on anyone. However, any other spelling like Alaina or Alayna are just "kre8tiv" and ruin such a beautiful, classic name. Stick to Elena!
My name is Elena, and it's pernounced El-En-na, or el-eh-na. Not elaiina. And I hate when old people call me Elener. My name does not have an R in it. I love my name but only if it's pronounced the right way.
I love the name Elena and find it to be very beautiful. I am surprised to find out that so many people pronounce it like 'Eleanor.' It would never occur to me to pronounce these two names the same way.
Elena is sweet and elegant!
This is one of my best friends names (spelled Elaina though) I think it is so cute...
One of my close friend's name is Elena. I think it's simple yet very elegant.
It really annoys me when English people pronounce my name like Eleanor, the Spanish version of the name Elena is pronounced E-ley-na. I think if people did their research they would see that the names Elena and Eleanor and not connected at all they are completely different names with completely different meanings and origins. The Spanish version of the name Eleanor is Leonor.
This is my favourite name for a girl (right now anyways). It's simply gorgeous.
I pronounce Elena the same way as Eleanor, and I like this spelling a lot more.
While yes, I agree that it is a decently beautiful name... I find it quite overrated. With the surge of Alaina/Elayna/Elana/etc, this title gets seemingly lost and dulled. The best thing would be for all variation to receive a bit of rest, rekindle beauty.Unless, of course, you have decided upon this name for ethnic reasons and have a surname to match.
I think Elena is a very beautiful name.
It's not so common in Croatia, but I know one girl with this beautiful name. I also know a girl from Macedonia with this name. Too bad it rhymes with my name (like most of the names I like: Elena pronounced EL-len-ah or el-LENN-ah, Lena LENN-ah, Helena hell-EN-ah, Alena AH-lenn-ah) so I can't give it to my child.
Part of my mom's name is Elena. Her full name is Maria Elena. I think that's a pretty name, and some people call her Maria and some call her Lena. I think it's pretty cool to have two names. =]
My name is Elena. I'm definitely proud of it. It means bright, or light of God.
I like the name Elena. My aunty is called Elena and she hates it when people prounce her name like Eleanor.
Gorgeous name. I have a niece named Alanna, so it'd probably be too weird and similar to have cousins Elena and Alanna.
My name is really spelt 'Eleanor' but I like this spelling much more because it just looks so much nicer when you write it and it doesn't look as old fashioned as 'Eleanor'. Also, it bugs me when people say my name like El-eh-nor because it sounds way too formal. Pronouncing it El-eh-na or El-eh-nuh just sounds so much better!
It's such a beautiful name, that it's a pity there aren't more people called this. I just love the pronunciation ah-LAY-nah.
I am Iranian and my name is Elena (eh-leh-naa). I love my name for its really lovely pronunciation. I read somewhere it means peculiar.
My name is Elena pronounced E Lee Na. I think it is a very beautiful name. There's not many people out here in Louisiana with it.
I think this is the prettiest spelling for ah-LAY-nah.
I prefer this spelling as an alternative to the other spelling Eleanor.
My little sister has this name. I really love it, and think it's so cute and fits her perfectly. We say it e-LAY-na. Her nicknames are Lanes, Lainza, Lainzy Banes, Banes and Bainzy Boo. (I tried to spell them like we say them)
I have a little Russian sister named Elena (pronounced the Russian way, yes) and I think her name is so cute!
This is a really beautiful spelling. The name Eleanor looks as if it should be pronounced Elly-a-nore, which isn't as nice.

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