Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Cute, although I would never use it.
To me this feels more of a feminine name (and a very pretty and feminine one at that), and I would prefer to pronounce it Ellie-uh. I would not use this name for a boy.
I have no idea why but I think this name is feminine when pronounced Elle-ee-uh. It rolls off the tongue nicely and has some flair. Would spell like Ellia. However, pronounced Eh-lee-ah it's masculine. For a boy I prefer Elias.
This just seems like a variant of Aaliyah.
I love that IPA alphabet is currently allowed for Italian names. It helps people whose language has more vowels than Italian to understand how to pronounce them!
There's a girl in my classes named Elia, it fits her perfectly. It's such a pretty name and it rolls off the tongue like sugar. She pronounces it Ell-Ee-Uh, while others pronounce it uh-lee-uh.
MUCH prefer the Italian pronunciation (E-Lyuh)Someone needs to add 'Eliah' to the database. The spelling is more masculine.
I see the name as male definitely, but the spelling of Eliah makes it more male and strong.
Elia is a masculine name? It sounds very feminine and pretty to me, and has only ever been listed on the charts for the US and France as a feminine name. Eli or Elias is a more masculine choice in my opinion.
I use this as a nickname. (My full name is Eliana.) I pronounce it Eh-lyah. I didn't know it was a male name in Italian. *blush* It seems very feminine to me too.

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