Comments (Personal Impression Only)

*evolution of smooth*
I really don’t like this name, this is borderline hideous. There are other names that mean “dawn” like Aurora, Zora, or even Dawn itself. But if you like it, be my guest.
Ugly, just ugly.
Cool, but reminds me way too much of the lip balm.
Very pretty, albeit short.
It's very pretty, and Selene and Helios, sun and moon, were her siblings, so you could also use those names. I prefer it as a middle name.
It's definitely different, that's for sure. I like it, though it's a bit too short and just the slightest bit masculine. I prefer it over Aurora.
I have just recently discovered this name and I think it is gorgeous! Irish Pearl's description made the name even prettier in my opinion.I like Ouaie's pronunciation of the name the best, if he/she is correct. :)
I love the name, and the Goddess has always been depicted beautifully in history--much like the classic depiction of angels, with reddish or gold wings. The sister to Helios, the sun God, before Apollo became the more well-known god of that posistion.The Greek Aurora, but Eos is a much softer, more classic name for such a deity. I only wish I knew the standard pronunciation for the name, rather than what I'm assuming it is. But "EE-ohs", according to the last comment, sounds about right.
I wouldn't like to name anyone this because it sounds more like a trademark company name, but it does have a nice meaning and origin.

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