I absolutely love the name Gandalf! It sounds so earthy and strong, this is a nice name! And I’d use it if I felt brave enough. Also, the associations with The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit make for some whimsical background information for this particular name. Also I love the meaning of it, which is wand elf, or elf of the wand. It only makes it more whimsical! Gandalf is definitely one of my favorite names in general, because it is very rare, yet somehow, people have heard this name. All due to literature. But still, it manages to be rare and unique among other sorts of names. Which I appreciate very greatly! πŸ˜ƒ.
Also Hungarian.
Gandalf is too tied to the majestic old wizard to really be a human name, but it's perfect for a husky, or wolfhound, or very regal cat.
The Lombard name, Gundulf comes from "gund", meaning "battle" and "wulf", making "wolf".
YOU SHALL NOT PASS! My first thought.
Aww, this is the Word of the Day? I just re-watched The Fellowship of the Ring last night.
Gandalf would be a sweet name for one of those Irish Wolfhound dogs.
I think this name could have been nice, but when ever someone hears this they'll think of Lord of the Rings. I don't think it's a bad name, but I would never name my son this.
Name of the Day: June 2, 2013.
As an avid reader of Tolkein's Middle-earth literature, it's pretty obvious what - or rather, who - this reminds me of. No offense to anyone who actually has this name, but to quote me from when I found Gandalf among the names listed, good grief.
I think Gandalf is a terrible name, in my opinion. No offense to anyone who likes this name, but please don't name your child this!
This will be the name used by the Weather Channel during the 2012-2013 winter season (spelt Gandolf).
Please please please do NOT name your child this!
I actually used to know a couple who had a son and daughter named Galadrial and Gandalf. Poor little Gandalf!
The original name of Gandalf in Norse Mythology was GandΓ‘lfr.
Who the hell would name their child this? That is outrageous! It's such an awful name. It sucks so bad!
A famous literate bearer was Gandalf the Grey/White of The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings.
My great grandfather born around 1900 in Italy was named Gandalfo. I suppose this is the Italian masculine to Gandalf.

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