Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Giovanna (1907-2000) was the last tsarina of Bulgaria. She was the wife of tsar Boris III and the daughter of Italian king Victor Emmanuel III and his wife Elena of Montenegro.
Giovanna is the name of a Wii Sports Resort opponent Mii.
Giovanna Jully Lopes Chaves is a Brazilian actress, singer, and model. Giovanna Chaves was born on December 4, 2001, in the municipality of São Paulo, in Brazil. Giovanna has a sister named Bruna, who is also a model. She started her career at 9 months, when she participated in the recording of a DVD of the show Gugu and since then the invitations began to emerge. She did advertising work, fashion shows, catalogs and participated in some television programs, including: Ídolos Kids and Programa do Gugu. Owner of a beautiful and captivating voice, Giovanna today also stands out for action on child cast of the novel Cúmplices de um Resgate, giving life to antagonist "Priscilla" and has received praise and criticism for her great performance with the character.
Giovanna Marie LaValle is the name of Snooki's daughter.
Giovanna Plowman, is an American teenager whose infamous for licking her used tampon. I don't know about you but you should not name your daughter this because people are going to remember.
Giovanna Mezzogiorno is a popular Italian actress.
It's the middle name of the Mexican actress Anahi. Her full name is Anahi Giovanna Puente Portillo.

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