Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is so beautiful! I prefer Hadasa though, since it looks neater. Myrtle trees are super pretty, I also think this would be a cool name to honor a Myrtle.
Never heard of it before, but it sounds interesting!
I’m very fond of this name. It has such a gentle, soothing sound. I haven’t met anyone outside of Jewish circles with this name, but that seems largely a matter of name familiarity. With the name’s biblical origins, I don’t see why it couldn’t be used by anyone.
It would be cool if someone called this named their child Myrtle!
My name is Hadassah, and I grew up with my friends calling me Dassah for short. I was 18 years old before I met anyone with the same name as me. I used to hate that it was so rare, no it finally feels like I’ve grown into it, and that it helps me to remember how unique we all are. I now almost feel sorry for people with exceptionally common names, and know that they have not had the experiences that I have because of my name.
A time ago I moved far away from my family to search for the Almighty. I kept seeing the Invisible One Jehovah as I traversed the land. I came upon a town that welcomed you with a sign that stated "The Right Place at the Right time!" That's when I knew this is where I should be. I will be happy in my new life.
Then I met a very kind family that took me in as their own daughter. They took very good care of me and would tease me by calling me Queen Esther. I said, why do you call me that, I'm not a queen. I'm just a girl. They went on to teach me all about the life of Queen Esther who was once called Myrtle in her native Hebrew language. They said, a new name for a new life for me. Be Blessed.
I really like this name. The way it looks and is said is very pleasing :)
I came across this when searching for the origin of my name (Hadassah, yes). I love reading the comments and discovering more about it. If Hadassah weren't my name, I'd name my daughter it! I think having the name is extremely fun, because whenever teachers see my name on roll call on the first day of school, it's hilarious to watch them butcher my name. Or substitute teachers. Or basically anyone who sees my name on paper and hasn't heard it before. I've only met one other Hadassah in my life, and it wasn't even in my state! The name is uncommon and I like it - the fact that I'm not just some other Emily or Mary is special to me (no offense, those names are beautiful, too! ^-^), because I prize my name as a part of who I am; maybe a bit too proud of me, but I can't stop loving it.
I think Hadassah is an amazing name, and would never trade my name for anything else. (Though I've always been a touch jealous of the name Callie!)
If Hadassah wasn't biblical I would love it but I think it's quite trashy since it is.
Hi my name is Esther. My parents named me Esther from the Bible. Recently, I got very interested in the origins of my name and came across the beautiful name "Hadassah". This name means compassionate which is what I aspire to be every day as a Catholic. I have always known my name (as Esther) means "star". I always love it when people say that I'm a star because it is a nice compliment and reminds me of my name and how my parents chose it for me.
Hadassah was a courageous, brave young woman who stood for her people in the bible. She changed her name to Esther perhaps to conceal her Jewish identity. I think the name Hadassah conveys loyalty to your identity and courage.
Hadassah sounds beautiful and strong.
And it has a rich history, I think I'm going to name my unborn child this.
Hadassah is very popular in orthodox Jewish circles. Lots of Hadassah's go by the nickname "Dassi".
I love this name. When I was a teenager, I read the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers and fell in love with the name Hadassah. I also loved that it was Queen Esther's original name. The name is strong and graceful. I held onto it for many years as a name I would want a daughter to have, then 2 years ago I gave birth to a little girl and named her Hadassah. We have received many positive reactions when we tell people her name. I will always probably call her just Hadassah, but some cute nicknames are Dassah, Dassi, and Haddi.
I've always loved this name and our next child, if a girl, will be named Hadassah. I loved looking up the instances of myrtle trees in the Bible - always a positive or blessing.
My name is Adassa. I love the name and I can relate to mayn different interpretations of the name. It is the name of a female who loves family, protective of those she loves, compassionate about social justice and community. I have grown into it. It is an old Jamaican name but some West Africans recognize it also. It is a strong name for strong female Empresses. God bless the lady who named her child Hadassah a few years ago.
I took note and special interest in the name Hadassah the first day I came across it in the Bible. I am very happy God gave me a daughter that I named Hadassah three months ago.
I like Hadassah and Esther.
Hebew name of Esther. Why not name the person Esther?
She is my hero! She was so brave. In the BIBLE!
This is my Hebrew middle name. It's quite lovely. (:
I love the name Myrtle, but I know a lot of people find it ugly. Hadassah is a bit "prettier" and means the same thing, so I like it.
I know a girl with this name, only she spells it Hadessa. I have to say, though, I like Hadassah better.

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