In the garden of words, where hopeful dreams play
Hajnalka blooms in the morning's ballet
Rustling leaves echo on a chilly March morn
Hajnalka's melody -- promises sworn
A new day unfolds with tender grace
With quiet strength, time finds its place
Sweet warble on lips, a fragrant kiss
Hajnalka's whisper: a dawn-born bliss.
Allegedly in use as a given name since the 19th century:
Pronunciation as listed is incorrect. The first syllable is pronounced like “hi” in English. Using the key here, is should be HIE. The IPA is correct, but the transliteration is problematic. It appears to have been automated and correctly reflects that j in Hungarian is considered a consonant, but the actual pronunciation is as if it were a diphthong in English. [noted -ed]

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