Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very old man’s name.
I am a bit disappointed to learn that it doesn’t mean “bringer of news”. Like the word herald. The /h/ at the beginning sounds so pretty.
Don't get why people like names like these but don't think of an old hideous man, it's your opinion but still.
This is the BEST name. Harold and his purple crayon is the best children's book ever!
Looks like this name is about to enter retirement sometime soon.
Love it!
Ugly, Reminds me of a cranky, lousy bald man!
Such a classic name, however I wouldn't suggest using it because it's probably a good choice to leave it in the 20s & 30s. By the way, this name was used to replace the name "Harvey" on the Atlantic hurricane name list and will be used in 2023.
Harold is an awesome name for cool people.
This is an ugly name. Sounds like "hair old". Gross.
A truly fine name. Makes me think of an English Gentlemen. The name was used by many notable people such as Prime Ministers Harold Macmillan and Harold Wilson. Harold Pinter is another. In fiction you have Harold the Helicopter from Thomas the Tank Engine, Harold Francis "Dirty Harry" Callahan and Harold Steptoe. It has a classic feel to it and I'm happy to see it is still in the top 1000.
I picture a huge bearded guy with a viking helmet when I hear or see this name. I don't know why, but it seems somewhat Norse to me. And I think Roldy is a more common nickname for Harold than Harry. Harry is more for Harrison or Henry.
Sounds a little too much like an old man name to give to a baby. But you could always nickname him Hank, Hal, or Harry.
Honestly, I think this name is hideous. I know three Harolds. Two of which are in my family. One happens to be the only kid I've ever known with this name.
I think this name is a good strong name. I like it a lot.
Boring, old and over-used, but I mean, you have to feel sorry for King Harold and that arrow in his eye, poor guy. (Hey that ryhmes!)

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