Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I used to not like this name for some reason, I think it’s awesome now. Haven’t heard it on anyone in a while.
I think that Heidi is a good name to use and I wonder why no one is using it now.
I think Heidi is a very strong and pretty name. I know a girl named Heidi and she is really nice and fun to be around.
Ironically, I am hearing a lot about people who grew up with the name Heidi and prefer Adelheid/Adelaide because of their struggle. Now, 12 years old is nowhere near an adult, but I will say that I have still lived long enough to show some struggle with the name Adelheid. Being a little kid (PreK), I could barely pronounce my name myself, and many of my friends couldn't either, so my preschool teacher simply nicknamed me Heidi and left it at that. As I joined the elementary school, my name on school sheets was still Adelheid, but I still went by plain Heidi. But in 4th grade is when the teasing started. Now, I'm no Rock Johnson, but I certainly was built more masculine than any of the other kids in my school. I was the tallest in my entire grade from preK-5th grade. This didn't help the fact that I was nicknamed things like 'Nazi' and 'Mountain legs' (Yeah, I didn't understand Mountain legs much at first either, but it was related to my huge height difference.) I cursed my mum and dad for naming me Adelheid and after that had all my school accounts and sheets changed to Heidi, never having to hear a teacher fail to call out Adelheid during attendance. But, not even the name Heidi could save me from the nicknames. I was then nicknamed "Cartman's Girlfriend", "Heidi Turner" and "Cartwoman", all nicknames given to Heidi Turner, a female character from an adult animated series called South Park. I hate everything about myself, and it all started with my stupid name. Though, it is nice to have the rarest name out of all my friends (then again, when your friends are Layla's, Liliana's, and Payton's it's not exactly hard to be the rarest.) Now, for all of you who cared to read, a conclusion; unless you know for a fact that this kid is going to be headstrong, don't name your kid Heidi. Now, I think that my name, Adelheid, and my nickname Heidi, are both lovely names that sound pleasing to the ear but can lead to some bullying. At least, where I live it does :/Now, if you like the name, Heidi, I think you should totally go for it. Name this kid/character/song or whatever thing that inspired you to search for this Heidi. Plus, hearing all this stuff about my name/nickname being overrated or outdated or simply ugly hurts a little.
I love this name! I find it really pretty.
Very dated and boring!
I prefer Adelaide, but Heidi is a lovely name as well. Maybe not my cup of tea, but it certainly isn't a bad name.
I like it. It sounds lovely.
The spelling looks cool. Not sure about the sound of it though.
My experiences with the name Heidi:
Growing up I did not think much of my name, it was just my name. I did occasionally hear comments and references to the book "Heidi of the Mountains" from people my parents' age. I rarely met people my age with the same name. I did somehow meet three of four people my parents' age who were named Heidi. I am still friends with them.
On multiple occasions teachers would call me Heather. Guess they couldn't remember Heidi.
When I was a teen I read that Heidi is a nickname from Adelaide or Adelheid. I didn't give it much thought, just thought it was interesting. I was also a teen / young adult when Heidi Fleiss the Hollywood Madam became famous and I got teased about that. There was Heidi Klum, a model who represented the typical blonde, blue eyed Germanic type beauty.
By my mid-30's I started to feel too old to be Heidi. It seemed like a cute nickname for a child. When we moved to a new state I decided to go by Adelheid in my professional life. I was glad of the change as I discovered the PNW had many people of Scandinavian descent and I started meeting quite a few other Heidi's. Going by Adelheid has made me unique. Many people don't know how to pronounce it if they are just reading it. Once I pronounce it a few times to them, they pick it up. If you like the name Heidi, I would highly suggest naming your child Adelheid, they can then choose to go by Heidi or by Adel, which, due to the singer Adel, is quite a nice nick name.
Not a fan. So 40-50 years ago!
My name is Heïdi (yes, with the German '¨') and I'm French, so we pronounce it Hay-dee. I hated my name for years, with all the jokes and mocking on it, but I came to love it. Children can be cruel, but adults actually love my name and I only met one 'Heidi' in my whole life, but I met an 'Adelaïde' once. I think that this name is cute and somehow original, even with all the movies/musicals/books... It can be hard to bear it, but for those who are named 'Heidi', endure the jokes you can face, and one day, you will realize that you are blessed with an original, adorable name and the meanies are ones with boring names who are jealous.
Very pretty and cute.
My name is Heidi and I have had the very unimaginative "Heidi Ho" nickname by people for years. I've also been called Heid, "you've got to Heidi Heidi hi, you've got to jump and run" from a song, Heidilicious (don't know why some genius came up with that), and other variations of my name. I hated it for a long time, but now I love my name. Honestly though, I have to say that there are some extremely rude and cruel people who have commented on their personal feelings about the name. I only hope you have a truly boring and unoriginal name that doesn't stand out and cause people to make fun of you. Or that you don't have children that get teased about their "wonderful" name you stuck them with.
It sounded awesome, but then for some reason I fell out of it.
Where I live Heidi is really too tied with the girl in 1880 Spyri's books.Everyone know it so it is better on a pet because it would be like if someone's name were Cenerentola (Cinderella) or Biancaneve (Snow White). Definitely too tied with it.Currently I much prefer Ada, Adelais and Alise (ah-LEEZ).
My name is Heidi and I am amazed when I go in a store or restaurant and I hear someone saying "Heidi" like to get my attention, but it's not for me and me and the other Heidi giggle and I say "there aren't very many of us so I thought it was for me - haha". I have been "Heidi-ho there neighbor" from Tool Time, Heidi Ho, Heidister, Heidi Bear (don't ask). It's a boring name to me and on top of it I have no middle name to use if I wanted to LOL. Oh, I almost forgot, at bars I have had a lot of old men telling me I could sit on Gramps' lap like the movie.
I don't like this name but I've heard much worse names before.
My name is Heidi and I don't particularly love it. I get so tired of people telling me they have a dog named Heidi. It seems like right now it's more popular as a dogs name. Also people used to call me Heidi Ho which was not a fun nickname in middle school and high school. Just my experience with the name.
I love my name, wouldn't change it for the world.
I'm not a fan of this name. It sounds childish, and yes as some have said, ditzy. I'm glad that this name isn't popular.
I actually used to not think much of the name Heidi, but now I find it really cute (and not in a childish way) all of a sudden.
I used to think this name was cute, but then I met a Heidi who was so bossy and obnoxious it made my blood boil. Years later I met another Heidi and lo and behold she was the same way. They ruined this name for me. If they hadn't, I would think of a cute little girl in braids and an alpine outfit.
My name is Heidi, and I love it.
I was named Heidi and was teased a lot. Also, a lot of doberman pinchers and weenie dogs are named Heidi. It felt weird hearing your name called going to school and seeing a dog. I wouldn't name a kid Heidi It's cruel. I like the name Marie.
My name is Heidi and I absolutely adore it. My dad is German and he got to choose my name, and I'm so glad that he picked Heidi! I think it fits me really well, and everyone that I know agrees. I definitely think it's cutesy, but it is strong at the same time, and I honestly like that it's so cute! It has aged well with me so far, and I don't see it being a problem when I'm older. I get lots of positive comments on my name, and if it wasn't my own, I would definitely use it for a daughter.
My name is Heidi! I am a 32 year old single mother of two girls and I am far from "ditzy!" I am in the medical field and I am a college student as well. I am also a strong, intelligent and very independent woman! I personally like my name and find it to be pretty. I happen to be German and Italian. The only thing people relate to, when they hear my name, is the movie "Heidi" with Shirley Temple!
The name Heidi reminds me of the Swiss Alps. It reminds me of tiny meadow flowers. It reminds me of piney breezes. For some reason, it also reminds me of vanilla soft ice cream in a cone. I have known girls and women named Heidi from different backgrounds, of many different complexions. I have known girls and women named Heidi who were talented, bright, caring, and graceful. I love the name.
My name is Heidi, and I love it! I've never met anyone else around here with it. And people don't associate the name with Heidi Klum or Montag.
I always imagine this name being yelled down a mountain full of goats. Very rustic and nick-namey.
Cute, not sure if I would use it though. It's a little too ditzy sounding for me. The models don't come to mind at all.
Heidi reminds me of a cute little mischievous redheaded girl. I'm not sure it would grow very well with her though.
This is a great name for a German Shepherd. For a person, not great at all. Dumb-sounding and ugly. And, to agree with some previous opinions, ditzy. And I never even heard of this model that's been mentioned, this is what I've always thought of this name.
The name Heidi brings visions of a lovely, slender German girl, with light hair and blue eyes. I know such a woman named Heidi, and I care for her deeply.
Why all the hating on Heidi Klum? She's great! And the name is very pretty, although I probably won't name my child that.
I love it! It's really cute. I think of a pretty girl who is fun and playful and outgoing. I think it suits all ages. It's much classier then names like Chrystal, Brandy, Brittney and the like.
This name is really cute and pretty. A little bit quirky and unusual, but I think it's adorable. I want to name one of my daughters Heidi. I love it!
Well personally I don't associate this name with Heidi Klum; all due respect I could care less for 'models' because they use stage names most of the time.To me this name is for someone with class and elegance. Whenever I hear this name I can picture a young girl with beautiful thick brownish hair with light, clear blue eyes full of mystery.
It's pretty, but it's been ruined for me due to a bunch of sleazy models.
It's quite funny how this name has a ditz reputation today, as the Heidi I knew in elementary school was far from ditzy. On the other hand, I've heard of some stereotypically dumb blonde types named Heidi, and that has made me think of the name as a bit too cutesy and girly for grown-ups, even if it doesn't make much sense. Then there's the children's story association, which doesn't help make it sound more mature. It's a cute name, sure, but I don't have the greatest associations, and neither do many others.
I adore the name Heidi. It's simple and beautiful. I absolutely love the name Heidi.
Heidi is a nice name, but it sounds like someone is saying "Hi, Dee!"
My name is Heidi and I like my name. My mom named me after the book. A lot of the old people at the nursing home where I work comment on how much they like my name.
I think that Heidi klum ruined the name for everyone. If I gave my child this name, it would remind me of the model. It is a nice name though.
My name is Heidi, and I don't really like it. It doesn't seem very adult to me, too childish.
A bit ditzy sounding. Like it otherwise though.
I find it more than a little funny that this name has a "ditzy" reputation. My mother was named Heidi, and a more controlled, controlling person would be unimaginable. She was something of a local celebrity, and the word "ditzy" is about as accurate as saying the name Adolf is "fluffy". Just. Funny how expectation and reality can diverge.
It's very cute for a little girl, but I'm not sure I'd want to hire a brain surgeon called Heidi.
I like the name, but isn't it kind of ditzy?
I love the name Heidi. It reminds me of a pretty, sweet, and funny girl.
I really like the name, but about 2/3s of the girls at the middle school in my town have this name and there are about 800 people in this school and about half are girls. It's TOO common where I live.
I think this is a very cute name. It still works in modern days (especially because of the well-known supermodel Heidi Klum, as mentioned in another comment).
A very nice name for a girl.

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