Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I hate this goddess she hurt so many people. And even raped Medusa. I despise her.
Hair is an excellent name for a daughter! I don’t care what people say about the mythology! I love the meaning of it which is protectress! And I love how she was the goddess of marriage and, that alone made me want to name my daughter HERA! Plus, this name has a sweet sound to it!
This name is really pretty. I think it would really suit a cat.
Truly annoying that, instead of talking about the name, people choose to whine about how much they hate a mythological figure for doing similar things as the other characters in classical mythology.
Anyways, this name is really lovely, though I'm not too much of a fan of the English pronunciation.
I personally think Hera was an amazing, underappreciated goddess and that “Hera” is a strong, beautiful name. I would be proud to have this name. She had every right to inflict those punishments on Zeus and his girls, after all he did promise he would be faithful to her.
Cool name with an awesomely fierce meaning!
I've never heard it pronounced heer-a in the US. I've always heard it pronounced and pronounce it myself as hair-a.
I love the name Hera, and I love Greek mythology. Hera is my favorite goddess.
I adore this name. It's so simple, yet so lovely. I would use this for a child.And also, I believe the goddess Hera had a perfect right to be angry and cold. You would be, too, if you had a husband like Zeus.
I love the name Hera, but I'm not too fond of the English pronunciation. I love the German one, though: HEH-rah (long, German E in the first syllable). I considered this name a while ago for a future daughter, and I'd still use it as a middle name.
Hera is my most favorite Greek Goddess, I admire her more than Aphrodite or Athena. But Zeus was always so mean to her, and all she wanted was to be loved by him. She never cheated on him, no matter how many times he was unfaithful to her, no matter how many times he abused her and looked upon her. What’s so pathetic of Zeus is that when she leaves, he goes to great heights to win her back. He says he can’t live without her, yet he treats her like dirt. Poor Hera. If only they all could see, she was far greater than Zeus ever was.

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