Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this is a nice gender-neutral version of Jay that's modelled on Rae! to the USA Social Security Administration, 33 girls and 28 boys were recorded with the name Jae in 2006.
Sorry, but it's pretty boring. I would like it better as a nickname.
Prefer this on a girl and Jay (spelt with a y) on a boy.
I don't like this saccharine name. I just picture some 12 year old drinking orange Kool-Aid.
I'm not too sold on it as a stand-alone first name, but as a middle name, or like "Mary Anne" you could be "Mary Jae" and that would be super cute.
Super cute as a middle name!
“Me and my husband were going to name our child Jaesandra (jeh-SAN-dra) so we decided to call her Jae. It’s super feminine and nobody would have trouble with her name. And as of 2019, she is 12, she is the most popular person in the school and people ask her out only because her name was ‘swag’ and she was very pretty. That caused trouble, however, any Jae knows to be herself. I wonder what would happen if she was called Sandra!” -Quoted from my adult cousin! :)
It's too short. There are better nicknames I believe.
This is a common middle name for girls in my family. It's quite pretty.
Too minimalist and youthful, and rather tacky and trashy as well. I say, come up with a longer name that actually sounds okay on adults and call the kid Jae.
Ok, slight night shiver, thanks for the abuse on my name! This name means intelligence and sacrifice! Which, not to brag, is me! Jae is lovely! I go by CJ or Jae. This name is unique and beautiful! If you have nothing nice to say, DONT SAY ANYTHING!

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