Comments (Personal Impression Only)

There are much nicer names than Janine, it is a very old fashioned name.
I have never met a nice Janine.
Probably just my personal experience and sorry if you are a nice Janine, but there are much nicer names out there.
Janine is a very gorgeous name!
Janae is a lot better but Janine works. I don't really like the spelling of it though.
Really pretty.
My name is Janine and I honestly don't really like my name. I would have preferred another name but many people have said that they liked my name and that it fits me. I feel this is a pretty rare name because I have only met a teacher with my name and only a friend's aunt. So if you want to name your child this go ahead but be prepared for lots of mispronunciations and nicknames like J9 and Nini (yes I know these are really weird).
I can't stand this name, sounds like someone who would be after someone else's man or someone who is very jealous. It's just got that horrible sound to it. It's a no from me.
Janine is a nice, neat name. It makes a terrific middle name! :)
I think Janine is a good middle name. It is mine after all.. I'm Olivia Janine :) as a first name though I find it dated.
I always thought of Janine to be a unique name.
My sister is a Janine. Very much so. Pretty, and silly. But wise and outgoing too. We called her J-9 the K-9 to tease her when we were growing up. But I think she rather liked being just plain 'J-9'. It sounded rather "secret agent"ish. Or like a 'robot' name. Otherwise simply pronounced it. Jan/nEE'n. It fits a child. But it grows up very well too.
Absolutely foul, no offence but it's true.
I love this name and wish I would've gave it to one of my daughters. However, I do not like it spelled Jeannine.
I love the name Janine, it's different and very uncommon. Wouldn't change it for anything else.
Elegant and understated, a name that will serve a girl well all her life. (Now I sound like Orddu from THE CHRONICLES OF PRYDAIN. If you haven't read those books, by the way, I highly recommend them.)
I have always liked the name Janine. It is a pretty name that isn't used very much.
Janine is a name for someone who is crazy and outgoing. I think it's kinda cute.
I love the name Janine, it's very pretty, and very underused.

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