Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Jefferson Columbus Davis (1828-1879) was a general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Later, he became Commander of the Department of Alaska. He also killed his commanding officer, General William Nelson, in 1862. He is not related to Confederate president Jefferson Davis.
Jefferson “Jeff” Sessions is a former senator from Alabama and was the US Attorney General 2017-2018.
Rowley Jefferson, from Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and also Diary of an Awesome, Friendly Kid.
Journalist Laura Ling has a daughter named Li Jefferson Clayton (b. 2010). The middle name honors former President Bill Clinton.
The Mad Hatter in the TV series Once Upon A Time is named Jefferson.
Jefferson D'Arcy is a main character on the American television series "Married with Children". Jefferson is the selfish, lazy, and pretty boy husband of Marcy. They are neighbors to the Bundy family.
Jefferson Hope is a character in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes novel, A Study In Scarlet. I will say no more about him, for it might spoil the novel for people who wish to read it.
Here's a non-historical bearer of this name: Jefferson Airplane, a 60's band. Or there's also Jefferson Starship, which was an offshoot of the band.
Well, if famous bearers include people with the surname of Jefferson, then there's always Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson Hack is the father of Kate Moss' child (Lila Grace).
Jefferson Smith is the name of the title character in the old Frank Capra classic film, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederacy when they broke way from the Union.
Jefferson Davis Hogg is Boss Hogg's full name on the Dukes of Hazzard.
Jefferson is the last name of the 3rd president.

Comments are left by users of this website. They are not checked for accuracy.

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