Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Use this for girls; use "Jesse" for boys. Simple.
Pretty and FEMININE please.
I like it for both genders (;
I'm called Jessie and everyone calls me Jessica- that is not my name, I hate it.
I only like Jessie for females.
Jessie was always much prettier than Jessica for me.
My name is Jessie and people tend to think that my name is Jessica and it is really annoying. When I was little I didn't know that Jessie could be a boy's name too, so when people called their sons Jesse it really confused me. Also when I was littler my favourite song was Jessie's Girl because (Not being able to understand much) I thought that they were singing about me. People usually refer to me as Jess though.
Wow! I'm surprised how there's not many comments for the name Jessie! Anyways, I think Jessie is a stylish and pretty name for a girl, though a little TOO popular in usage.
My friend's name is Jessie. A lot of people call her Jessica and it drives her nuts. And it's not Jesse its JessIe!
I love my name which is Jessie. People argue with me all the time that it's Jessica and thats annoying but in reality it's unique as well as I am. It has personality and it's different.

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