Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Clunky and unpleasant.
A very interesting name and I have heard it before but I think it looks really unprofessional.
It just seems clunky.
I think it would be better as a middle name:) but it’s pretty and cute.
It sounds like the name of a ditzy country girl with pig tails to me, so that is all I can see. Because of that association being so strong, I can't like JoBeth.
That's not a bad name at all.
Meaning and history:
A combination of Joe and Beth.I think that speaks for itself...
This name sounds very Little Women-ish to me. When I saw it I immediately thought of Jo and Beth March.
This is very, very forced. Can the creativity attempts get any worse?
Yuck. This sounds like a great name for a redneck.
My mother's name is Josephine Elizabeth and she's been "JoBeth" her whole life. So, to me it's not a weird name at all. It's just like a Mary Jo or JoAnne.
This doesn't sound right at all. It actually sounds kind of masculine despite the ''beth''. This is one of the ugliest names I've seen.

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