Hey Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song, and make it beeeterr, remember, to let her into your skin, and you'll begin, to make it better.This reminds me of the Beatles song, one of my favorites!
The name Judith can have the nickname Jude or Judi. Jude can also be a boy’s name.
There's an actor named Jude Law.
Jude is a name that you should really be careful naming a boy. Hey Jude and WW2. I heard a girl with the name and I was like it's boy's name- what's next Judy, as a boy's name?
Jude Duarte is the protagonist of the Folk of the Air trilogy.
Jude Deveraux is an American romance author (b. 1947). Deveraux is a pen name - her real name Jude Gilliam Montassir.
In the book "I'll Give You the Sun" by Jandy Nelson, one of the main characters is named Jude Sweetwine.
Sister Jude Martin is a character in American Horror Story: Asylum.

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