Käthe Kollwitz was a German artist, who worked with painting, printmaking (including etching, lithography and woodcuts) and sculpture. Her most famous art cycles, including The Weavers and The Peasant War, depict the effects of poverty, hunger, and war on the working class. Despite the realism of her early works, her art is now more closely associated with Expressionism. Kollwitz was the first woman elected to the Prussian Academy of Arts.
My name is actually Käthe, and people can never pronounce it. Except my closest friends people call me Kathy or Kadah or Katay.
Käthe Hoffmann was a German botanist who, according to Wikipedia, "discovered and catalogued many plant species in New Guinea and South East Asia including Annesijoa novoguineensis."
Listen to the German pronunciation of Käthe here:
German artist Käthe Kollwitz (1867 - 1945).
The name is pronounced KE:-te in Germany.
Heinrich von Kleist wrote a play in 1807-08 called "Das Käthchen von Heilbronn".

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