Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't like this name or its spelling.
The name of my first D&D character.
I love my name. It is pronounced like Kare-ee, though I have sometimes wished it was Kahr-ee. In America, most people say Kare-ee, though I respond to both! I think it is special if your daughter is part Norwegian. I recently visited Norway and ancestral villages and it was so meaningful to me that my name is spelled this way, and people I met really liked it. I personally have never been teased because it sounds like other words, though sometimes in soccer, when the coach would yell "Carry, carry the ball!" I would get confused, haha.
I love this name, of course it's my name.. But when I was younger I got teased a lot because it rhymes with everything, haha.
I love the name Kari. It's cute and pretty. :) I think of Kari from Digimon. Never was a huge fan of her, but that's who I think of. Her name was short for the Japanese name "Hikari" meaning "light". Overall, Kari is a neat name. :)
This is such a cute take on Carrie!
KARI is a great name, it is my first name. But people can never say Kari right, I always get Carrie which I don't like. Kari rhymes with sorry.
My name is Kari and I love my name. Unlike some of the others with this name, you do say my name like "Carrie". Kari...Care-e!
This is my name, and many people pronounce it "Carrie" which I hate! The babysitter in the Incredibles has the same name, and she describes it best: "It's like Carrie, but with a K instead of a C an AH instead of an AY and one R instead of two and an I instead of an IE." Love it! And, Kari Whuer (sp?) says it the right way too. I was named this because my Great Aunt and father didn't think that Karina went with my middle name, Andrea, so they shortened it. Go figure.
Kari is a name that feels cute, adorable, friendly and strong. I prefer it over Katherine.
My name is Kari and I don't see it spelled this way very often.
Kari is a very poplular name nowdays. I would love to have this name, it sounds vibrant.

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