Keelin Godsey was the first openly transgender athlete to compete for a spot on the United States Olympic team. Godsey was assigned female at birth, has openly identified as male since 2005, and competed in women's hammer throw competitions.
Keelin Winters Pattillo is an American retired soccer defensive midfielder who last played for the Seattle Reign FC of the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL), a team she captained to two consecutive NWSL Shield wins.
Caoilfhionn Shanley-Ferguson (1968 – 2020), also known as Keelin Shanley, was a journalist, newsreader and presenter with RTÉ, Ireland's national radio and television station, where she had presented the Six One News, alongside Caitríona Perry from January 2018 until her death in February 2020.
No need to dumb down the beautiful Irish original Caoilfhionn. People will learn how to spell it. Keelin looks like trendy fluff. It is right up there with Aylish (okay this might be worse), Seersha and Chevonne.
I like Keelin because it's very feminine and ignorant parents who want a girl won't name their sons this.
I named my daughter Keelin, so I obviously love the name. I loved that it was beautiful and different, and it can be somewhat gender neutral - I've had people call me about Keelin who do not know her and incorrectly assume she is a boy. She likes her name - it's nice to have a name where all someone has to do is say "Keelin" and people know who it is. Unlike my daughter, who knows several Kayla's and Briana's and I'm always asking "which one?"Her friends and her sister call her "Kee".
My name is Keelyn. Pronounced KEY-lynn. I simply love my name! Almost every time Ive ever introduced myself to anyone people have told me how beautiful my name is. While being a kid I did get the famous Keelin over comment it did not last long.
I adore the name Keelin, but I prefer to spell it Keelyn. It looks more feminine that way. I know about the horrific "y" trend and mucking up classic names with American spelling, and usually I'm against that, but in this case... maybe it's just evolving like names always do. It isn't like I spell it Qeelyn'ne or anything. Still, quite pretty! (although the aforementioned keeling over does come to mind, but is worth ignoring).
Makes me think of keeling over. Other than that it's cute.
I live in Ireland and we actually pronounce Caoilfhoinn and Caoilinn as Key-lin the majority of the time.
While I don't really care for this name, I admit that it sounds a lot pettier than the unanglicized Caoilfhionn.
The Irish pronounce it "qweelin".
My best friend's mother is named Keelinne I love how it's spelt.
My name is Kelin, and it's just an alternate spelling of this name. I think it's interesting spelled this way, and it's probably easier for people to pronounce it, but I have to say I like the way my name is spelled better.
Keelin seems like a more masculine name in my opinion, but that is probably just me.
My male cousin's name is Keylan. Pronounced the same. We've always considered it a family name, passed down through several generations (though not consequitively). One of our grandfathers spelled it Keylon, but my aunt and uncle changed it a bit and spelled it Keylan. While my cousin is spoiled and annoying, and I normally hate the thought of naming my children with the same names as people who annoy me, I am absolutely in love with the name. I want to name my child this, boy or girl. If I have a girl, maybe I'll spell it Keylynn or Keylin, not really sure. But I love the Key-spelling. "Keelin" seems a little too "stereotypically modern" I guess. More like the spelling of a nickname. But Keylan seems more secure and a stronger way of spelling it.
This is really cute, only problem may be that it sounds quite made up. Keely/Keeley would make nice nicknames, Keelin could also be a good middle name alternative to just plain overused Lynn.

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