This was my given name. I say given as 18 years of bullying at school due to Kiaran is a boys name... my mother also used to say it was meant to be pronounced keee arr an but everyone said keer Ann. I hated it, was so embarrassed by it. Then when I was old enough I changed it to my nickname Kia.
Bloody awful name!
I once knew an Irish woman named this. She was a professor, I believe of Economics - very knowledgeable. I worked with her and an Anthropology professor in Uganda in 2012, with a group of several other students. Strangely, I never found her name odd while I boarded with her. It's only now that I look back and realize she must've dealt with a lot of flack regarding her name, especially considering she was Irish and this is an Irish masculine name (with an Anglicized spelling). I guess her academic parents were trying to toughen her up, and it would appear that they succeeded.

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