Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Oh, come on. It's not as if the name is Knife or Gun, right? So why is it okay to make such a shortsighted judgment about a name that clearly isn't English? Yes, it could work in an English-speaking country, because it is pronounced KI-ya, according to Spanish grammar. You could spell it either way, of course, but the former rather than the latter seems more authentic.
I think it`s SILLY the way people judge each other by their names. You need to know THE MEANING of the name PRIOR to making judgement on the person who has it. ALSO, just because someone has the same name as a bad person does NOT mean he/she is bad. You need to GET TO KNOW people INSTEAD of judging them by their names! ALSO, if you were to look at someone`s name, WOULD you see the REAL HIM/HER?
I feel like Killa would be the name for an African-American male born in the late 90s/early 2000s in New York/Philadelphia that has low grades and likes to hang out with his friends and gang members at night. I think I might like this name. Naming your kid Killa? Well, good luck. I think naming your child that could get your child bullied and commit acts of violence (I'd doubt that). Overall, I give this name a 4 out of 5.
Moon is a wonderful meaning, but I still don't think this is a good idea.
Sounds way too threatening.
Love that it means "moon", but sounds too threatening.
This is one of those names that sounds nice in its own language but obviously wouldn't work well in an English-speaking country.
Killa Godzilla! But "moon" is a nice meaning.
Not in a English-speaking country are you gonna do this.
Naming your child Killa? Good luck with that.

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