This name can also be a Feminine name in English-speaking countries, especially the United States. This will make the name Unisex.
According to the USA Social Security Administration, nearly three-quarters of all the people named Lael are Female, with 77 girls and 33 boys were born with the name Lael in 2015.A total of 2140 girls and 844 boys were recorded with the name Lael from 1894 to 2022 according to the USA Social Security Administration.
You can add the usage of "Biblical Latin" to this name, for Lael is also the form used in the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). These two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.Sources used:
- Clementine Vulgate: (in English; note that it was the Church's official Bible for nearly 4 centuries!)
- Nova Vulgata: (in English)
- Numbers 3:24 (Old Testament):
• Clementine Vulgate: (in Latin)
• Nova Vulgata: (in Latin)
This name is so cute! How I found it was by pure chance but I'm glad I did. I'm using this name for a character that will be the main character if I ever do some type of story with him.
I don't think this name works on girls...nor does this work as a one syllable name. The original pronunciation is said to be [Lah-ehl] but I prefer the pronunciation [Lie-el]..
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything that ever implied Lael meant "little flower of God" in Welsh but it'd be so perfect for my boy...he's Welsh lmao.
I find it funny that in Spanish, the word for 'the' (when singular) is 'la' when feminine or 'el' when masculine. So, in Spanish, this name is like 'The-the'!
I really like this name for a girl but I think the pronunciation would be confusing (although I actually like the name pronounced both Lay-EL and Lale). A girl in my high school had this name and she pronounced it "Lale".
I don't like Lael as a name. It seems too incomplete.
In Hebrew it's pronounced Lah-ehl as another said. Bibles have the pronunciation of names, but they are the English pronunciation. Like Jesus, his "real" name or the original Hebrew is Yeshua.
My bible (which has all pronunciations) says it's LAY-el.
I know someone with this name and she pronounces it lay-EL.
Pronounced lah-ehl.
Lael Litke is an LDS author that wrote a lot of books for kids, like "Blue Skye" and "Getting Rid of Rhoda" etc. She is my grandmother's cousin and is very well known -- here in Utah, anyways.
In Welsh Lael means "little flower of God". And in Arabic it means "Night". The name comes from Numbers 3:24 in the Old Testament, where Lael was the father of Eliasaph; the man in charge of the Gershonite tribe who took care of the fabrics of the Tent of Meeting (AKA the Tabernacle).

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