Comments (Personal Impression Only)

You're reading into this way too hard. No "playground teasing" kid is going to purposefully look up this name, find the meaning as sexual (it is not), and tease Lamya for her name. If anything, other English speaking kids will think her name is beautiful and tease names like Thatcher, Cooper, Hunter, and Walker.
Also (same anonymous), the name Lamya لمياء (lmyāʾ) is from Arabic "لامعة" (lāmʿt) meaning "shining" or "radiant". The meaning of beautiful dark lips seems farfetched. Mods, please correct the meaning of this name as many other sites have already copied the fake meaning, and misinformation around this name has spread. Please don't take unverified information from decade-old comments as the real meaning.
All I can think of when I see this name is Lamia from Greek mythology. It's still a lovely name.
Bananarama, I was just going to say the meaning sounds sexual.It's a sweet name, and I'm sure in Arabic/Middle Eastern Culture it's considered beautiful. But if you name your child this in an English-speaking country, the child should be prepared for some merciless teasing if the playground kids find out what her name means.
Yes, because when the average small child learns someone's name, they automatically do a deep dive on the internet into its meaning and history! Also, the supposed meaning "lips" isn't that bad, definitely not overtly sexual. There are weirder meanings out there.
The meaning of this name sounds very sexual.
This name makes me think of a llama. A furry creature with big hairy hips. Like a hippo.

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