Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Natasha, Latasha, now we need Matasha. Lol just kidding. I also dislike Latasha. I do like Natasha though.
Latasha is a sweet and elegant name in my opinion, I don't get why so many seem to dislike it.
Natasha is so much more beautiful. Latasha is okay I guess.
I'm not a fan of Tasha on its own, but Latasha just sounds tacky. I also dislike prefixes on names. I do like Natasha, however.
My name is LaTasha. I've met people who seem to have an issue with my name because I'm white, but I don't think names should be defined by race. I like my name. I go by Tasha more than I do La Tasha now though because people either can't spell my name correctly or they call me Tisha, Trish, Tosha, or some other off the wall crap, lol.
Out of all the prefix La- names, this one is the best.
I hate names with prefixes, and the name Tasha doesn't really sound good anyway, while Natasha is a cute name.
It looks like someone couldn't spell Letitia. Or Natasha.
Ah! Not another beautiful name ruined by the gauche nature of poverty!
Excuse me? You think poverty causes, what YOU think are, bad names? Wow, you have some serious issues and I can't believe you said that. The Latasha I knew was NOT poor; she came from a good family, was one of the top students of our class, was a hardworking, classy young lady. Think before you speak.
I love the name Latasha. I am in high school now and the name has come to be very popular. The name has grown over the years and has made many new names from it.

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