Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A hardworking woman who takes care of business and has a powerful aura about her. What a name!
I have never met anyone called Lenora but I think it sounds nicer than Eleanora (which in my opinion sounds too pretentious). I’m not a fan of the name Lenora but I’m not opposed to it.
One of the best names.
Very elegant, very uncommon. I have come across few Lenoras in my life but all of them were very pretty.
Looove this name. So beautiful and elegant, but very uncommon. It does have a tendency to sound like LaNora, which makes it seem like its just a mash up of the la prefix and Nora, but its so much more than that. It's a gorgeous name with history and class, and if you pronounce it le-NO-ra rather than la-NO-ra, you should be good :)
The name Lenora was given to 89 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Lenora is such an elegant name. It is soft yet commanding all at once. I think it would suit a person well all throughout life. Lena would be a good nickname if you wanted to lighten it up during childhood.
Lenora is such a beautiful name! I love it, it's my favorite version of "Eleanor". So enchanting and soft, just lovely!
I love this name, it's so pretty. =) I believe this name means "Meadow Light" if you pronouce it *LEE-nora* because Lee means Meadow and Nora/Ora means light. Don't quote me on that though. Even if it doesn't it's a beautiful name.

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