Lessie could be a nickname for Celeste, Celestine and Celestina.
Sooo cute! I love it so much! No need for a nickname; this is already super short and sweet.
I knew a kindergarten girl named Lessie. She was very sweet and religious. It was a good name for her: gentle, soft, and innocent. This was maybe around 2010 or 2011.
My name is Leslie Ann (pronounced with a soft “s”) and am a woman. I had my share of teasing with it. Mostly “Lezz” “Lezbo” “Lesbian”. Yawn. It only was an insult if I gave people that power. I usually found a great shocking way to verbally retort. “Yeah, I’m a lesbian, wanna kiss?” I remember in the school bus once, only once, a girl said (like she was a sudden genius) “wouldn’t it be fun if your middle name was Ann because then you would be Lez-b-Ann”. I stared at her with malice, of course and laughed and laughed and then paused. I said, “No, it’s not funny and, my middle name is Ann. How about you try to float that joke one more time?”. Miraculously, no one even called me Lezz again.
At the time I likely would have said I didn’t like my name. But, that’s not wholly true. I like my name and can’t imagine going by anything else. I like that it’s not common and not religious. Someone else on here said it was, I haven’t found proof of that.
Did I have to defend my name from time to time, sure. I also correct people when they pronounce it wrong for me with a z. I was always called Leslie with a soft s not because of teasing about lesbianism. But, every kid has their teasing cross to bear and as far as teasing goes, it really wasn’t that bad. I just shot people down.
Lessie Brown was once the oldest living person in America at 114 years old.
Ugly stupid ugly tacky red neck trash street trailer park trash GARBAGE!
Also short for Alessandra or Alessia.
This name make me think of lassie, the Scottish word for girl. And by that after the famous dog.
It's an adorable name! :)
To the user above; it's pronounce leSSee, not leZZie.
This is not a good nickname because of the lesbian association.

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