Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is basically the name of a vegitable. And what are those NICKNAMES!?!?
It reminds me of the word "lattice", actually.
A little funny as a name, but nevertheless cute on a little kid! I just wouldn't use it on an adult.
Ugly name.
Might as well name your kid Salad.
This is how I spelt lettuce when I was 6.
Makes me think of lettuce.
Am I the only person who remembers the girl called Lettice on America’s Got Talent way back? I think it sounds nice, to be honest. But for obvious reasons I’m not giving this name.
Lettice (le-tees) this is my name and it was my gran's name too. I love my name even though I don't ever use it (it's a little girly for me as I am everything but girly) so I've always been called Tessa... I must admit I did go through the whole Lettice - Lettuce thing in school (mostly high school really) but you know what, who cares.
Lettuce and Tomatoes were my least favorite toppings on burgers, but I’ll get used to it. Anyway, it’s kinda silly to name your kids after food. It makes it sound like you want to eat them.
Salad or not, I think it's a cute name. Though definitely not for today's use, haha.
I can't help but imagine a part of her (surname, father?) being called Caesar. Kind of mean-spirited, but..
They named her Lettice, because she had a big head.
Not a good name unless you want your kid to hear food jokes their whole lives.
Lettice is my name. My parents pronounced it Le-TEES, like the eyelash enhancer. Before that product came along, I was definitely called Lettuce a lot. It was popular in the Victorian era, as I understand it.
Reminds me of the food.
I've developed quite an affection for this name in recent years. If you can get over the homophonous leaf vegetable, you're left with quite a pretty, charming and dainty name for a little girl. Probably not so great for a real child though, as it is usually met with too much negativity; but on a fictional character, it could work really well!
I know a Lettice and prior to meeting her would have thought about the same as the majority, that this is a food!She is most lovely though, so regal. A real English rose. Beautiful young women who carries the name well. Her unique name and she are alike. They compliment each other! Maybe her name makes her who she is and how I perceive her. I just don't know! Cool name anyway!
Great, lets just name our kids tomato and onion -.-Ugly name.
This is an alright name, really, and I have heard it being used before. And, yes, before you say anything, on a human girl. :)
This name seems so dainty and elegant, I adore it.
Lettice doesn't look like a real name. It looks too much like "lettuce".
Lettice. So close to Lettuce. I can't believe anyone would actually name a child this.
No matter how you want to pronounce it, it's always going to look like Lettuce.
Looks too much like Lettuce. You could name a child Carrit or Spinech and it would have the same effect.
This looks more like the vegetable lettuce. I like Lettie a lot better, it's cuter.
You may as well name her Carrot!
I'm sorry but I don't think this is a very good name, they would be teased constantly, maybe as "Rabbit" or "Carrot" or even "Vege" or "Vegetable".
I love how this name sounds like lettuce!
Lettice looks too much like the food lettuce.

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