Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Though it is a nickname for Alexander, I think Lex is a bit girly sounding. Alex has a more masculine sound. Lex could work as a nickname for Alexandra or Alexa if that’s a full name for girls.
Friend's name is "Alexa", though, she prefers/gets called "Lex".
I definitely think this name is more feminine, but at the same time is very strong and straightforward (not to be sexist, I just think that kind of defines masculine versus feminine names). It also strikes me as gentle and sweet. Overall a good name.
It's a bold, strong nickname. No nonsense, streamlined, powerful.
Means law in Latin, and then there's Lex Luther. It is pretty cool sounding, though. I prefer Lux for a boy or Luz for a girl.
I just love this name.
Love this name for a boy.
Lex sounds completely male to me. But it looks more feminine.
I've always had such a strong aversion to the female name/nickname Lex (and Lexie)... but I realize now that I actually find it interesting in male usage.
I find this a good name for both boys and girls, but not as a 'proper' name, as a nickname then yes I love it. Before I never actually thought of it as a nickname for a male, as always I thought it to be short for Alexa and Alexis.
My mate's called Alexis an we call her Lex. To me it sounds like it could be feminine or masculine.
My friend is Lex, though his real name is Leslie. Probably influenced by him, I prefer it for a boy.
I love Lex for both boy and girl.
Lex means "law" in Latin. Not a good name for a person.
Lex. Simple, and very unique. I like it as a nickname. It's intriguing.
Me and my friends are always calling my friend Alexia this name. She rather likes it too and it suits her.

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