Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Everyone loves this name but it's my name and I hate it because no one knows how to pronounce it even though it's so simple ;-;. It's a cute name but I would actually like having it if people could read it.
I love this name!
I like this a lot, but only as a middle name because it would be a bit tricky on a girl living in Australia. I think it would go well with something like Hannah.
I like a lot of Irish names, and this is one of them! :)
I love this name. I would only pick authentic Irish names, not unbearable anglicizations, and Líadan is a well established Irish name, so it fits criteria one. It has some history and mythology, and an actual namesake; the poetess Líadan. And there's the all-female band called Líadan. I like names where I can clearly see the meaning when I look at it, like Fiachra and Róisín. "Liath" means "grey" and "bean" means "woman", so Líadan works, and it wouldn't be too hard for foreigners to pronounce. But more than any of that, I love the sound.
The name Liadan (pronounced lee-uh-din, if you want to pronounce it correctly) is beautiful. It reminds me of sorrowful beauty, which I greatly appreciate in a name. I don't mind it being spelled Liadin, either. Liadan stands for.Lovely/Lovable
Beauty and uncommon.
It's a very pretty name, and the spelling is pretty too.
I love this name. I think that it would work great with Keeley as names for twin girls. Liadan and Keeley.
This is a beautiful name.

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