Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Heard this in Barbie Diamond Castle, unique and beautiful.
I like it it's so much better and prettier than Eliana, Aliana and Juliana.
Eliana or Aliana are SO much prettier with much cuter nickname options.
Pretty, however, I prefer Aliana which means “bright and beautiful” and also “noble and gracious”. I love the nickname Ali or Allie vs Ellie as well.
I prefer this as a nickname for something like Aliana or Eliana. Very pretty!
Liana is very pretty and delicate, and I can see it on a girl or woman of any age.
Pretty, although we prefer Eliana or Aliana which are gorgeous, elegant, and could use the nickname Liana.
My name is Liana
I have gone through my whole life being called the incorrect name, but to be honest, I just see it as my entertainment (which person will I be today?!).
I love my name and I will always go shy when people are shocked to hear it and say how beautiful it is.
I have a total of 5 names, and I would never want to change my name.
My Mum and Dad definitely did me proud!
My name is Liana and I love it. It's quite unique but I think a name like mine should be very popular. I never knew Liana was a plant! Also I think there are many nicknames for Liana like Leeli (which is what my friends call me), Liane, Lia and a ton more if you think about it.
The name "Liana" actually comes from the name of a flower. If you Google the words: "Liana plant", it's actually a class of flowering, woody vines called Liana, and pronounced "Lee-AH-nuh"! I think it is an absolutely gorgeous name and there are several beautiful Liana flowers out there in the world. There are many girls named Violet, Rose, Lily, Flora, Iris... Why not have a little more of a unique name like Liana, to add to that world of flowers? :) It stands out as a name not everyone has, but still has that old-fashioned, classic, feminine ring to it. Such a pretty name.
My name is Liana and I hate it! Don't get me wrong, I think it's a beautiful name, but it's really hard to make nicknames out of it since it is really short. My friends name's are really big so they all have really cool nicknames and stuff and I'm stuck here with a nickname that only started because a teacher mispronounced my last name...
My name is Liana and I love it! I was born in Saskatchewan, Canada. I have met two other "Liana's" one in my current city, population 37,000, and one in a larger city of 246,000, although they were younger by 20-30 years. It sure looks strange seeing my name on someone else's name tag though.
This is my daughter's name. We and she love her name even though the immediate family shortens it to call her Lia. The meaning I found when naming her is, God has answered. True to that, he did. My mom always wanted a granddaughter. Liana is her only.
The name Liana is a lovely name and that's the name of my sister.
My name is Liana, and for a while, I did not like it at all. This was because I rarely met someone who could pronounce it right without me repeating it at least 3 or 4 times. It's Lee-ah-nuh, not lee-Ann, lee-Anna, lie-ona, lie-Anna...! Another reason was that it's not very well-known.
After a while though, I got used to that, and now I can see the beauty in it. I haven't met anybody with my name, and that's actually really nice. There are plenty of girls named 'Mary','Jessica' or 'Isabelle' out there, but only some have the privilege of the name 'Liana'. :)
From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US - My name is Liana Marie. Marie from my mother's sister. I was born in 1963. My great grandmother's name was spelled Leeanna. It was my dad's idea to give me the name with this spelling. I've always thought it to be a unique and beautiful name. People always pronounce it wrong. I am so happy to see so many with the same name.
From Canada----> My name is spelled LIANNA with my middle name being CHRISTINE, and I was born mid- late eighties. I like the way the first and middle name blend nicely. The worst thing about having this name, is that people are too lazy and don't read the whole name. Even though I would pronounce it LEE-Anna, they would call me Leanne. Teachers would call me LIE-Anne. Would drive me crazy. Dad wanted to name me Jessica but Mom won and named me LIANNA. Very glad for that too. It can be a pain growing up and having your own ENGLISH teacher pronouncing your name wrong, but still, I wouldn't change it. The only thing I would have changed was possibly taking one of the 'N's' out.
Liana is my name, and I know one other girl with it. When people meet me for the first time, (especially teachers on the first day of school) they usually misread it and say Liliana or something. Either way I've always been very happy with my name, and I know it's a name that not only fits me now but will also work for me when I'm a grown up!
The name Liana is gorgeous and utterly beautiful. Xoxo.
Very beautiful lee anna or lie anna.
Beautiful and expressive. This is NOT used enough!
Not strong on its own, but it is quite pretty.
I personally think this is a lovely name. My wonderful mother has this name, but she occasionally claims she doesn't like it. Even though it's a nice name, MANY people tend to misspell Liana and pronounce it wrong as well.
This is probably the most cool name ever for a girl. Period.
One of my girlfriends is named Lianna Natalia, I think it is lovely. She's Nordic. Could that be an origin? I love "Lianna Ingrid" together.
This is my mother's name. I think it is beautiful and elegant, but I don't think she is too fond of it. Whenever she tells people her name is Liana, people call her Liane. Also, for her, it isn't short for anything, this is her actual name. I still like it, though.
It's the most beautiful name on this earth!

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