Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Liv is a cool name, and it’s a cute nickname for Olivia. I prefer it as a nickname for Olivia, as it just seems awkward on its own. I wouldn’t name my daughter Olivia for several reasons, but it is still a pretty name. I would put Olivia on the birth certificate, and call her Liv when she’s little, so at least she has the option and if she wants to, she can switch to the more elegant Olivia, which is perfect for the middle aged women she will one day be.
I don't understand someone being called just Liv, but it doesn't sound ugly.
I think Liv is very beautiful. It can be a nickname for Olivia or it can be a name on its own. Either way it's beautiful. There is also a character in the movie Willy's Wonderland and in Scream Season 3 named Liv.
Liv is a nice name. But it reminds me way too much of Liv and Maddie.
It's okay as a nickname for Olivia, but I prefer Livy. Liv is too juvenile for an actual first name. I also can't help but think of the TV show Liv and Maddie.
Sheryl would be a cute middle name. Liv Sheryl.
My full name is Olivia but I go by Liv. I like it because there are so many Olivias out there. With this name, you'll only meet a few Livs.
The name Liv sounds like a name a stripper would use. It makes me think of a trashy girl with a drug problem. I would NEVER give my child this horrible name. I can't even think of a cute nickname for this one. Maybe "Livie", but that just sounds grating to me too. I don't know any Liv's, but if I did, I'd probably assume the worst. Parents, forgo this one.
I like this name, and Olivia as well. When I hear this name, I think of the Disney Channel Show "Liv & Maddie" starring Dove Cameron as both title roles.
I adore this name! It is easy to pronounce and easy to spell :) I also like how simplistic it is.

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