Comments (Personal Impression Only)

No WAY! Prefer Llowhyd!
I’ve actually always liked this name. When I was younger, I was big into Ninjago. It always reminded me of Lloyd from Ninjago who I found annoying. However, I still liked the name and found it cool. I still do; the Ninjago character doesn’t alter the love.
This is my name but I'm going to be mean anyways, it sounds like an old man and the DOUBLE L? La-loyd what?
Nice old man name.
Too surnamey.
I can't with the two letters...
I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER plus infinity use it. Hate it! Despise! NO WAY! I would rather be named Lee, which I also DESPISE! NO WAY LLOYD! All Lloyd's are stupid, unattractive, and waaaaaaaaaaaaaay dated. I hate it so much.
Lloyd’s bank, by your side.
I love the name Lloyd, he is from Ninjago.
Very dated, surnamey, and unattractive.
Ew, hate it, no way! Goodbye Lloyd! This is an ugly, stupid name! The spelling is bad, I hate it. I agree someone-!
Lloyd Irving is the main character of the video game and anime Tales of Symphonia. He is a kid so unlike most of the commenter's opinions, I picture a more youthful person with the name Lloyd. As far as I can tell, Lloyd is a fairly common name, so I wouldn't be worried about giving a kid the name.
It sounds like a surname and I would spell it with one L.
I really like the name Lloyd, but I have mixed feelings about the spelling of it.
I don't really like it, as it sounds like the name of a stuffy middle-aged man, and doesn't sound fitting for anyone younger than forty. Not particularly nice sounding, though I do like the meaning, as gray is one of my favorite colors.
Fantastic name! It sounds like a name that would grow well, cute for a little boy and mature for a man.
I don't like Lloyd. It sounds so geeky to me. I don't know why, it just does. I don't like the spelling of it either-the two L's make me want to pronounce the first letter way longer than it should be.
I'm not sure why, but I like this name. It sounds sophisticated, and it has that old-fashioned charm, even though I'm not exactly nostalgic of any decades except for the 90s and 70s. It also reminds me of a wonderful track by Camera Obscura, titled Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken.
I LOVE this name so much. I know this guy called Lloyd and he is the hottest piece of man I have ever seen in my life. When I think of this name I think of a hot sexy Greek god. This, without a doubt, is what I am going to call my first boy (if I have one).

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