Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This might be difficult to bear, if you live near Loris, South Carolina. Only, under (potentially) confusing circumstances, whether people are talking about you or the city. Despite that, I have always thought that Loris would be a pretty, feminine name; I'm surprised that it's masculine, and find that cool. If you're having a daughter and live in/near Loris, South Carolina, perhaps try the name Delores instead (if the potential issue I stated above is a dealbreaker).
Average name. There isn't really anything good or bad about the name. Just meh. The name origin isn't anything special either.
This is my name, passed down from my great-grandmother to my grandmother to me. I hope to mother a daughter I too can pass on this fun and unique name in the United States! I think us Loris’ should go to Loris South Carolina for a convention! Loris CON.
My name is Loris. Today is my birthday. I was born in the U.S. in 1947. I was named after my mother's elder half sister. She was born in 1899.
I like that my name is unique. It is somewhat annoying having to spell it and pronounce it carefully for people who think I have said Lois or Doris.
I do not know the history of the name in the U.S. How did it get to be used in a predominately German/Scot family?
I would be interested to know if there was a "Loris" as a character in a novel in the late 19th century.
My name is Loris. I'm named after my grandmother, she was Ethel-Loris. I've never really liked my name, but everyone else does. I can't count how many times I've said, " No, its Loris. Like Delores, just drop the D"
This name is great when used for guys and it also works well for girls as I think Loris sounds really pretty. I love the cute animal Slow Loris! ^^
Loris sounds like a unisex name. I love it, I personally would use it for a boy. The animal is absolutely adorable but it's not an obvious animal name which is great.

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