I've never had a lot of love for the typically Slavic names (which feels kind of odd given that I'm Slavic myself) but recently I've sort of started to like a lot of names with the Lubo- element. Somehow though I don't like Lubov as much as many others. It gives off a really heavy vibe and feels almost masculine. I have a hard time imagining a child or even a teenager with this name. I do prefer Lubov to the Lyubov spelling though, I guess the latter is more standard/common/preferred one and I guess it makes more sense with the Russian pronunciation but Lubov is just a bit more aesthetically pleasing to me.
L(y)ubov Mushnikova is a Russian violinist, known for example from being part of the doom metal band Kauan.
The standard form of this name in Poland is Luba, or else there's also a very rare name Miłość which is a literal translation of Lubov as it means love in Polish, but Lubov has also had a little usage here. As of January this year, there have 21 women with the first name Lubov in Poland. Lubov could celebrate her Polish name day together with Luba on September 28 and use the same nicknames in Polish.

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