Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My favourite long form of Lucy! Lucy works as a name in its own right, but I prefer it as a nickname for the beautiful and unique Luciana. I would pronounce it loo -see-AH-na, but it can also be pronounced with -chee, -thee, -shee, and tsee, all of witch are beautiful. It means light, which is perfect because it’s so full of light and life. A long and magical name, I would use it to honour my grandfather Lucian.
So beautiful.
Such a beautiful name!
In my top 3 girl's names (also Liberty and Daisy).
My best friend is called Luciana (pronounced Loo-chee-ana). We call her Luci (loo-chee) for short.
Beautiful and rare.
This is such a pretty name, especially when pronounced the Italian way! It also seems like the type of name that will never get old.
This is sorta like my name Lucina. I like it- I wouldn't use it though since my name is so close to it.
I love this name. Here in Brazil it's pronounced loo-cee-uh-nuh, and we consider it as a combination of Lucia + Ana. I like names like Luciana, Juliana, Mariana...
Pretty, but common.
Very, very, beautiful name. I like it pronounced (Loo-CHEE-ah-nah).
Beautiful name. It means "light."

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