I don’t know which one I like better (Majken or Maiken). I’m in America anyway, and they probably wouldn’t know how to pronounce Majken unfortunately.A cute nickname would be Majki/Maiki/Mikey.
I think it’s a cute name. I like how it’s spelled.
Looks kinda awkward to my American eyes.
Majken is an AMAZING NAME but no one ever knows how to say it so I just tell them to say Maiken normally. They pronounce it wrong anyway, ESPECIALLY at airports.
This name is VERY common for little girls in Sweden. If you live here, you'll probably come across at least one in your lifetime.
My name is Majken. I was named after a cousin of my grandmother. My mother changed the spelling of my name to Myjken so it would be easier to pronounce. It didn't help. I hated my name when I was in school, but I love my name now. I wish that I had known that it was a derivative of Mary when I was young, but my mother didn't tell me until I was 30.
Majken is my name (my Mom changed the spelling to Miken to make it easier for people to pronounce). It is a feminine Swedish name. When I was growing up I hated my name because no one could pronounce it. Now that I am older I love my name-it's unique and pretty.
My niece is called this.
When she was just born, my sister said (joked?) that this name can also be either unisex - "Maj-Ken", or could be "My Ken".
It's a really pretty, unique name! :)

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