Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I know a girl called Malaika and this name is beautiful.
How beautiful.
In English class, we were directed to write an essay on how our name makes us feel, and what it means to us. My first name is Malaika (Muh-LIE-kah), and I researched my name to find many interesting opinions on it. My parents found the name through the song "Malaika" sung by Miriam Makeba and Harry Belafonte. I'm so glad they did. The name means "angel" in Swahili and I think it is absolutely beautiful, and fits me perfectly. Contrary to what many think, I never got teased or bullied because of the fact that my name is so unique. Many people mispronounced it, but I never took offense to this because I was proud to have such an exquisite and unique title. Many people think of their name as an identity as I do, and it makes me happy to say that my identity is "Malaika". As I said in my essay, "To most people, my name is strange and unfamiliar. It's as though I have handed them a lump of clay and they have to mold it into whatever fits me." It's always interested to see the sculptures people make out of a name as debonair as "Malaika".
Malaika is a beautiful, gorgeous sounding name. The meaning "angels" is lovely. :)
My cousin's middle name is Malaika (Which we pronounce Mah-LIE-Ka), but it's the name we call her instead of her first name. I think it's really sweet and pretty, and definitely a good choice. I wish I knew how my aunt even came up with the name.
Beautiful name with one of the best meanings.
This is my first name. In Africa, it would be pronounced mah-lah-eek-a. In North America, it is pronounced mah-lay-ka. I like my first name because to me it has a beautiful meaning, "angel". That means a lot to me. My auntie gave me this name. I am so glad that she did because I have been an angel to so many people.

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