Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A beautiful and gorgeous name.
My name is Melika and I love it. I can't understand why some people hate this name. Or why they suggest that you don't choose this name for your children because her friends will make fun of her. This is ridiculous to make fun of the name that is both beautiful and has a good meaning and a good history.
I apologize if I could not express my meaning correctly because my mother's tongue is not English.
I also went to school with a childhood friend named Malika, but she was absolutely wonderful. She was African-American, and her parents had given her and her siblings African names. My friend pronounced her name muh-LEE-kuh. I think it's a pretty name.
It's a pretty name but I can't bring myself to ever use it because I went to school with a Malika and she was not nice!
Yikes, these comments. I think Mailka is a pretty name.
My name is Malika, and let me warn future parents out there: if you love your child DO NOT give them this name. It's awful. It's spelled terribly and the pronunciation is terrible. My skin literally crawls every time someone says my name. If I could travel back in time and give myself a normal name, I would do it. Don't ever think "Oh, I want my daughter to have a unique name!" It doesn't matter what you want. What matters is your daughter's sanity and self-image. You don't want your daughter to hate herself, do you? Stick with the nice and normal choices like Samantha and Ally. I'm just trying to help you not destroy your family.
Mal is a cute nickname for it!
It's just ugly sounding in general.
In English-speaking countries (especially the United States) if you are not of Arabic origin and do not hold an appropriate surname, "Malika" will be seen as "kre8tiv" (in other words: made up). That all aside, I am not a fan... it seems to be lacking a key factor (perhaps professionalism?).

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