I'm not sure what the exact pronunciation is for this name but spelling wise this name would cause a slew of sexual jokes and references amongst English speakers. That is not difficult to figure out why. Also, if you reverse two letter you end up with "ManPeed".
Dr Mandeep Sanghera is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and now philosopher from Newcastle upon Tyne in England. Born into a working class Sikh family, he became a household name on the success of his company 'Mandeep Corporation'. He used some of the funds from this company to support his study into the area of philosophy and has since studied Free Will intensely, producing numerous works focussing on the co-existence of Free Will and an omniscient God. His musings have caused intense debate throughout the United Kingdom and he is often described as the modern father of philosophical debate amongst the common people.
"Lamp of the mind." That's deep, man.
This name could lead to all sorts of jokes in English-speaking countries, especially under the influence of certain substances.
It says that the gender is masculine, however this name as well as most Sikh names can be used for men and women. [noted -ed]
Literal Punjabi may translate Mandeep as meaning "light of the heart".

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