Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my name but my boyfriend and his family speak Spanish, so they make fun of it because it sounds like the slur.
I love this name and think it sounds very pretty. I have a friend who has this name however when I told my husband her name he thought I was joking. Apparently it’s very close to a slur for LGBT people in many South American countries. Ah well.
My best friend's older sister is named Marika Maya. We shorten Marika to Mika (pronounced MEE-ka). I really like the name personally, especially in that combination.
Marika is a classy, elegant name. I love it!
Marica is a very offensive term for a homosexual man in Spanish. This is spelled with a k and it’s a beautiful name. But people that think about using it should know what it means when it’s written with a c (in my opinion)...
I am Marika and it rarely gets shortened. I pronounce it like Maria with a K. I believe it's a Hungarian origin but looks like there's lots of us around surrounding countries now.
My given name is Marika... Nicknamed Rika by chance, NOT popular opinion OR history... I live in Northern California, USA...
It's a very pretty name. I also like the nickname Rika.
I've only known one Marika and she always went by Mimi. And I don't blame her, I think this name would work on a person from that heritage, but Mimi wasn't very ethnic and the name just didn't really suit her.
I love this name. I know a girl who has it. She pronounces it ma-REE-ka.
I absolutely LOVE this name! The way it sounds and looks is just awesome! The heroine in one of my stories named Marika.
I have only known one lady with the name Marika and she wasn't a very nice person. It kind of turned me off this name.

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