Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like it for both genders but if I heard the name I would assume girl.
I really want to see this name, along with the similar one Marley to be used for boys more often. I feel like it suits a male more than a female.
I've only seen it as feminine and spelled Marlo. I also really don't like it. I also don't like Marley, but Marla is nice.
I really love this name. It flows well, and I like the association with water/nature.
I like it for a girl. Not much for a boy since it's a nature name.
This name is cute and spunky for a girl. I like it. Kinda gives me the same feeling as a name like Paige, Piper, Harper, Reese, or Willow...
It's a great name for a boy; Please, people, don't name your daughters this.
LOVE THIS NAME! If I have a son when I get older I wouldn't mind naming my son this. Marlowe sounds like a handsome man's name.
I sincerely hope Marlowe doesn't turn into a feminine name. With the rise of Harlow, it very well may turn into one. I really detest the fact that it has been made somewhat unisex. It is softer, yes. However, it still strikes me as strong, especially with this spelling.
I named my son this but left off the e. We always get good comments about his name and think it's pretty unique without being weird. It sounds strong and masculine but not hard.
My great-grandfather, father, and brother all have this as a middle name. I love it and think it is very strong and unique. I want to name my son this.
I prefer it as a female name. It has a strength & dignity that often exists in surnames while still affording the softness for nicknames like Marlie.

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