Comments (Personal Impression Only)

How about this just being a really cool manly man kind of name with lots of ancient mythological history and not part of some obvious modern political agenda? Thanks.
Becoming a pretty common name for gender-nonconforming people, mostly by transmasculine people.
This name is pretty! It could be a nickname for Margaret, Margorie or other names that start with Mar.
Cool! And love the red planet and Mars Bars!
A cute girly nickname for little Mars is Marsie!
I find this to be a unisex name. It’s kinda cute, not to mention unique as well. I have a friend named Mars.
To be honest, I actually really like this name as a nickname, especially for Marlena, Marley and Marina.
Too chocolatey. Like if Kit Kat was a nickname for Katherine.
Actually, altrough it may be strange, I think the name Mars is ok to name a person in italy, because it came from rome, and it's the god of war of rome... but that's my opinion.
I find it sort of odd to consider this name for a girl. Aside from the fact that she'd get made fun of, it is a VERY masculine name in every way. Other than the planet it's a Roman god and even the meaning has to do with masculinity.
I'd never name MY kid this, but I can imagine it on a quirky, left-of-center sort of guy or girl who plays guitar, is chatty, and loves to have fun.If it weren't a planet, I think there'd be more kids with this name out there.
As the name of a planet, this is quite a strange name for a person, but it beats Venus, Jupiter, and, I shudder to think, Uranus. It's not that bad, sound-wise anyway, but quite strange.
You would have to be a real idiot to consider naming someone 'Mars'. Might as well name the next kid 'Neptune'.
I like this for a girl.

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