Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds too much like Marsh.
Mmm... I like it, but I prefer Marcia.
Seems like a feminine form of Marshall.
It's a nice name. Enough said. People need to let go of the 1970's sitcom crap, it's going on 40 years after all. All you Marshas out there, wear it proudly.
My dog is named Marsha, and as a nickname we call her Miriam (we don't know why), so I've always viewed this name as a good one, but more for pets and animals rather than people. Although I'm sure it would be nice on a person, I can't imagine a baby, toddler, or young child with the name.
Although not currently in the height of fashion, Marsha seems to me a very good name.
This name always makes me picture rather shabby-looking middle-aged women with ugly glasses and bad, 80s-like hair. It's not a very attractive-sounding name.
Although Marcia is a very pretty name, "Marsha" seems more of a lazier way of spelling it.

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