Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Matthias is a good, strong name. It is a unique alternative to the beautiful classic, Matthew. It ages flawlessly, and its meaning: “Gift from God” is very pleasant. I also like its biblical association. I think “Matt” and “Mattie” would be cute nicknames. Overall, I think Matthias is a wonderful name.
Matthias is a great name! I like it pronounced “Muh-tye-us”.
So handsome!
Handsome! Much better than the disgusting, old Matthew!
Gorgeous! Looks better than with one T (Mathias). A friend of my mother has a husband from Germany with this name.
While I personally prefer Matthew more, this is also a nice name.
Matthias is a beautiful strong masculine name no matter the pronunciation. I wanted to name our son this wonderful name until my husband pointed out that he would probably be called Matt on the playground. That ruined it! Not naming my son after something you wipe your shoes on at the door. I really dislike most nicknames. My husband suggested starting him out with the nickname Thias so no one would call him Matt but it isn't as good as Matthias.
Born and raised in the USA, and I only remember hearing it pronounced as “muh-TEE-us.” I prefer that pronunciation, because it just sounds more natural to me. However, the more I repeat “mah-THY-as” the more I like it. Either way, it’s a nice masculine name.
My husband grew up watching the Redwall tv series as a kid and held onto Matthias as a name he'd like to give a son one day. Ironically, I read one of the Redwall books when I was a kid and loved it but forgot what it was called as I grew up. It was pretty exciting when my husband reintroduced me to the series. We had a baby boy a year ago and named him Matthias. We pronounce it mah-thie-iss. I do not think it sounds like "my-thigh" though I can see why some people might think that.We love the name because it is strong and loyal sounding. Whenever we tell people his name they always comment on how much they like it. His two year old sister calls him "Thie-ee" which we find really cute as a nickname for a very young child.
I really don't understand why someone would hate the name.
I am much more inclined to the pronunciation of 'Muh-TEE-us' 'Muh-thie-us' just sounds really awful and stupid in my opinion. Sounds like somebody saying "My Thigh".
I personally love this name. One of the characters (a main character) in the story I'm writing is named Matthias. My character has two separate personalities, the shy, introverted, depressed side, and the outgoing seducer with lots of side chicks, so those are the only personalities I can see somebody with that name having.
Matthew is too common in America, I much prefer Matthias (which I've only ever heard it said Muh-th-eye-iss). It sounds tough:) The lead singer of Falconer is called Matthias.
I've never been able to see this name on a boy. It's always struck me as a girl's name, despite the meaning. Beautiful name, nonetheless.
This name sounds very nice pronounced correctly, but most people around where I live would try to pronounce it "Math-ee-as". I think it would sound strange on your average North American male, as it has an exotic quality to it.
It's a very unique and refined alternative to Matthew, which is exceedingly overused today. It's a great name to give to someone. It gives a very strong impression, and it's definitely a name you'd remember without it being too ostentatious.
I love this name; it's handsome and uncommon where I live, which is always a plus. The only problem is, I have a relative named Matthew, so I'm afraid it might be too similar.
Handsome, sophisticated, casual yet elegant, out of the ordinary, these are some of the words that describe this name. I simply think it's a great name.
Sadly, this name sounds like the word mafia.
This is a dashing alternative to the common Matthew.

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