Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really like this. It’s not high on my list, but if a spouse loved it, I’d be happy to use it. It sounds strong, but gentle. Nicknames could be Maeve or Ava. I also like Scarlett and Mavis for twin girls. I feel like they have the same vibe.
This name sounds masculine to me. Only recently heard it.
Beautiful! A good balance between delicate and strong.
Mavis is a very beautiful name. I love how it has historical flair. Plus, it’s really uncommon (shockingly).
This is my mom's name, I’ve always taken for granted how unique it is. It will always convey strength and seriousness to me because that’s how I view my mom.
I first heard this name in a movie and fell in love with it ever since. This is the most beautiful name I have ever heard.
Really unique without it being a name like Sun, Midnight, or Apple. I don’t think I’d consider it for any future children but I would make the comment to anyone having a baby “Wow that’s such a perfect name!”.
Mavis is my current favorite name for a girl. I love its classiness, that it's nature related, and that it's unique. It's very pretty. If you like it, totally go for it.
It’s beautiful, but I wouldn’t use it.
I kind of like the association and the name is pretty, better than Avis.
How about Avis and Mavis as names for twins?
I really like Mavis. It's pretty without sounding frilly. I associate it too much with Hotel Transylvania, however.
I wouldn’t use this as a first name, but I love it as a middle name!
Another name I love. It's an old and very uncommon name that was previously heard in 'Open All Hours' and 'Thomas the Tank Engine', although it had a brief resurgence in fiction in recent years with Charlize Theron's character in 'Young Adult' and Mavis Dracula in 'Hotel Transylvania'.
In Judy Blume's adolescent novel Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret, the title character's frenemy Nancy assigns the girls in their clique of friends secret names: Alexandra, Veronica, Kimberly, and Mavis. Margaret gets Mavis as her name, and she's not very happy about it. I remember thinking it was a weird name when I read it at age 10. I have never met a Mavis, and the only famous one I know about is the awesome singer Mavis Staples. I still think it's a weird name, but also cool.
Personally, I see this as unisex... with Vid, from Vitus, for a masculine nickname. Mavis... Vitus. They're similar in sound, and attributing the nickname of "life" to a name that means "bird" is as literal as it is charming. It works for me!
I love this name. Also, the name of the vampire girl on the animated movie Hotel Transylvania.
The name Mavis was given to 43 baby girls born in the US in 2012. I've never really given much thought about this name, but I like it. It's cute and spunky but won't sound weird on an older woman. It's also very uncommon nowadays, but I don't think it would sound completely out of place on a little girl; it sounds very similar to Maeve and Ava, some popular names at the moment.
What a lovely name! Unique, nice sounding, and it comes with a cute nickname: Mae.
I immediately think of "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing". Never heard the name used anywhere else.
This is a lovely name. It would be cute on a girl of any age, or it could be a cool name for a character in a story. "Mavis" has a sweet sound as well when spoken.
I don't see how Mavis can be perceived as masculine at all. Mavis is very sweet and girly in my opinion. I hope it makes a comeback.
I don't like this name. It sounds masculine, and I dislike the potential nickname "May".
When I first heard this name, I thought it was pretty gender neutral. It's feminine, but it's pretty strong, too.
Well, to those who associate this name with an old lady, to me, it sounds like a lady who is tough and stands her own ground and is very wise.
I don't really like this name as it makes me think of dowdy old grandmothers with their grey hair-dos tied in a bun. There was also a dithery and dowdy middle-aged character in the long-running northern English television soap Coronation Street in the Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties.
So lovely and strong.

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