Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This looks so dumb. Megan is sweet, there is no reason to change its spelling. Meaghan looks horrible and trendy.
Come on people! Stick with Megan PLZ.
I’m Meaghan (Mee-gh-an) born of an Irish father who was adopted by the most incredible people and unfortunately passed away at 38 leaving his wife and 4 kids this is my only connection I have left with him so I simply ask if this is not your name why would you shame someone for the name they were given at birth? That clearly was given to them for a special reason. By the way it’s not easy to be different but it builds character and as much as I was not thrilled with being the odd name on roll call in school everyone knew who I was! I would share my last name but don’t think that’s appropriate here but it’s a beautiful strong Irish name.
Definitely looks Irish, but it’s terrible in spelling. (Not the worst variant) I prefer Megan.
Whenever I see "Meaghan" and people insist it's Irish, I pronounce it "Mayan". Then they object. You just can't win.
I can't say I would ever use Megan/Meghan, since I'm not a fan of the sound of "meg," but honestly I think Meagan & Meaghan are way too loaded spellings--and an attempt to make something "Irish" when it just isn't. If I were ever to use this name, I would probably spell it Megan, the original way, even though I have a cousin who spells it Meghan and it looks nice that way. But no to Meagan/Meaghan, way too many letters--way too many *vowels*. I still prefer Megan and its variants to Margaret, though.
You guys are so annoying. Stop saying Meghan and Meaghan and Meagan are just trendy spellings of Megan because they are not. You know how Jakob and Jacob are the same, just from different countries? Well it's the same with Megan, Meghan, Meaghan and Meagan. Everyone knows that each spelling of Meghan (Yes I always spell it Meghan Because that's how is spelled) is derived from a different country. Megan-Greek, Meghan-Welsh, Meaghan-Irish, Meaghanne-My friends neighbor :)
This name is just ugly. Just spell it Megan or Meghan.
This is actually my name. Spelt this way. It is 100% Irish. Yes this is actually the correct Irish way to spell Meaghan. Also, the name doesn't have to be spelt MAY-ghin. I hate it when people do that to me. I pronounce it MEH-ghin. I actually don't think it's that terrible of a name because it's unique and at the same time not a totally out there name.
People are continually spelling my name like this, and I'm sick of it! It's just nice, ordinary Megan. Is there a problem with nice, ordinary names and spellings?
I like my friend's name. I think it's original.
This spelling of Megan (as well as other variants) annoys me. It's an attempt to make the Welsh name Megan seem more Irish/Scottish because that's what's hot. Very annoying and it looks funny. Just my personal opinion.
I had a friend with this name, and every time her mother would call her inside, she'd pronounce it "MAY-ghan." Eugh! The spelling of Meaghan is alright, but I absolutely hate the pronunciation; it sends shivers down my spine.
This name sucks. Whoever started it was obviously trying to spice up the boring name "Megan" but all they did was make it an eyesore.
According to my opinion this is very nice name - sweet to pronounce and has got good meaning and after all powerful name considering the numerology.

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